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Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive
Savage #1 Bulletproof exclusive cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on Feb.17th and will ship 9.6 + Bagged and Boarded. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 250 as a single issue.
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Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive Signed
Savage #1 Bulletproof exclusive SIgned cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on Feb.17th and will ship 9.6 + Bagged and Boarded. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 25 as a single signed raw copy.
Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive CGC 9.6
Only a few left!
avage #1 CGC 9.6 Bulletproof exclusive cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on March 31st. slabbed. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 4 slabs in 9.6
Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive CGC 9.8
avage #1 CGC 9.8 Bulletproof exclusive cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on March 31st. slabbed. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 10 slabs in 9.8
Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive CGC 9.6 SIGNED
Only a few left!
Savage #1 CGC 9.6 SS Bulletproof exclusive cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on March 31st. Signed slabbed. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 4 signed slabs in 9.6
Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive CGC 9.8 SIGNED
Savage #1 CGC 9.8 SS Bulletproof exclusive cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on March 31st. Signed slabbed. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 10 signed slabs in 9.8
Savage #1 by Swaby! BP exclusive CGC 9.8 SIGNED & REMARQUED
Savage #1 CGC 9.8 SS and Remarqued Bulletproof exclusive cover by the newest sensation , Swaby! This series is written by critically acclaimed musician, Max Bemis! This book will ship on March 31st. Signed slabbed. The print run will be 500 total and we will offer 10 signed & remarqued slabs in 9.8
Rai #1 Bulletproof Trade dress ExclusiveBloodshot #1 Bulletproof Exclusive by the superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in acrylics on Bristol for this warped look! *Rai is a cyborg ronin on a journey to save the future. Written by NYT best selling writer Dan Abnett and fan favorite Juan Jose Ryp, this book promises to be the essential sci-fi series for the next 2000 years!! Exclusive comic is limited to 600 copies. 9.6+ Ships Nov. 20th. 2019 |
Signed Rai #1 Bulletproof Trade dress ExclusiveSigned Bloodshot #1 Bulletproof Exclusive by the superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in acrylics on Bristol for this warped look! *Rai is a cyborg ronin on a journey to save the future. Written by NYT best selling writer Dan Abnett and fan favorite Juan Jose Ryp, this book promises to be the essential sci-fi series for the next 2000 years!! Comes with COA. SignedExclusive comic is limited to 40 copies. 9.6+ Ships Dec. 20th. 2019 |
Rai #1 Bulletproof Exclusive RemarkedRemarked copy of Bloodshot #1 Bulletproof Exclusive by the superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in acrylics on Bristol for this warped look! *Rai is a cyborg ronin on a journey to save the future. Written by NYT best selling writer Dan Abnett and fan favorite Juan Jose Ryp, this book promises to be the essential sci-fi series for the next 2000 years!! Comes with COA. RemarkedExclusive comic is limited to 5 copies. Ships Dec. 30th. 2019 |
Rai #1 Bulletproof Exclusive CGC 9.8CGC 9.8 copy of Bloodshot #1 Bulletproof Exclusive by the superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in acrylics on Bristol for this warped look! *Rai is a cyborg ronin on a journey to save the future. Written by NYT best selling writer Dan Abnett and fan favorite Juan Jose Ryp, this book promises to be the essential sci-fi series for the next 2000 years!! Comes with COA. SignedExclusive comic is limited to 5 copies. Ships Dec. 30th. 2019 |
Remarked Bloodshot #1 Trade dress Exclusive by Johnny DesJardinsRemarked Bloodshot #1 Virgin Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in oil on Bristol for the insane look! *This is the NYCC Virgin Exclusive! The print run is strictly limited to 225 copies world wide. We will sell the 5 copies on our website. |
Remarked Bloodshot #1 Virgin NYCC Exclusive by Johnny DesJardinsRemarked Bloodshot #1 Virgin Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in oil on Bristol for the insane look! *This is the NYCC Virgin Exclusive! The print run is strictly limited to 225 copies world wide. We will sell the 5 copies on our website. |
Mezo#1 NYCC Exclusive by Johnny DesJardinsMezo #1 Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! From AWBW publishing, this cover is painted in acrylic on Bristol for that Johnny D's signature look! *This is the NYCC Exclusive" ships 9.6+ NM Ships Oct.10th, 2019 From upstart, A Wave Blue World publishing, Mezo will be a breakout indy hit! Look for the trade paperback coming soon this year. The print run is strictly limited to copies 300 world wide. We will sell the 50 copies on our website. |
Mezo#1 NYCC Exclusive by Johnny DesJardins CGC 9.8Mezo #1 Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in acrylic on Bristol for that Johnny D's signature look! *This is the NYCC Exclusive" CGC 9.8 Ships Oct.10th, 2019 The print run is strictly limited to copies 300 world wide. We will sell the 10 copies on our website. |
Mezo#1 NYCC Exclusive Signed 2 XMezo #1 Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in acrylic on Bristol for that Johnny D's signature look! *This is the NYCC Exclusive" ships 9.6+ Signed by Writer Tanner- Chin and interior artist Zingerman . Signed at the Bulletproof booth on Oct 6th during the NYCC! Ships Oct.10th, 2019 The print run is strictly limited to copies 300 world wide. We will sell the 50 copies on our website. |
Bloodshot #1 Bulletproof Trade dress ExclusiveBloodshot #1 Bulletproof Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in oil on Bristol for this insane look! *This is the trade dress version* Exclusive comic is limited to 500 copies. 9.6+ Ships Oct. 1st. 2019 |
Bloodshot #1 Virgin NYCC Exclusive by Johnny DesJardinsBloodshot #1 Virgin Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in oil on Bristol for the insane look! *This is the NYCC Virgin Exclusive" . 9.6+ Ships Oct.10th, 2019 The print run is strictly limited to 225 copies world wide. We will sell the 50 copies on our website. |
Bloodshot #1 Virgin NYCC Signed by Johnny DesJardinsBloodshot #1 Virgin Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in oil on Bristol for the insane look! *This is the NYCC Virgin Exclusive" Signed Exclusive comic is limited to 25 copies. 9.6+ Ships Oct.10th, 2019 The print run is strictly limited to 225 copies world wide. |
Bloodshot #1 Virgin NYCC Exclusive CGC 9.8Bloodshot #1 Virgin Bulletproof NYCC Exclusive by the next superstar, Johnny Desjardins! This cover is painted in oil on Bristol for the insane look! *This is the NYCC Virgin Exclusive" . 9.6+ Ships Oct.31st, 2019 The print run is strictly limited to 225 copies world wide. VirginCGC 9.8 |
Written by B.Clay Moore and Cover art by Super star Jonboy Meyer, Killers #1 chronicles Ninja-G and her former associates as they are recruited by their former mentor. Unreal cover channeling the inner Pam Grier! Signed by super star cover artist JonBoy Meyer! Exclusive comic is limited to 10 copies. CGC9.8 Signature Series. Ships Oct.5th 2019 Killers #1 Bulletproof CGC 9.8Written by B.Clay Moore and Cover art by Super star Jonboy Meyer, Killers #1 chronicles Ninja-G and her former associates as they are recruited by their former mentor. Unreal cover channeling the inner Pam Grier! Exclusive comic is limited to 10 copies. CGC9.8 Ships September 10th, 2019 |
Killers #1 Bulletproof Signed with COAWritten by B.Clay Moore and Cover art by Super star Jonboy Meyer, Killers #1 chronicles Ninja-G and her former associates as they are recruited by their former mentor. Unreal cover channeling the inner Pam Grier! Signed by super star cover artist JonBoy Meyer! Exclusive comic is limited to 50 copies and ships with Certificate of Authenticity. Signed at his studio in California. Ships. August 31st. 2019 |
Killers #1 Bulletproof Exclusive variantWritten by B.Clay Moore and Cover art by Super star Jonboy Meyer, Killers #1 chronicles Ninja-G and her former associates as they are recruited by their former mentor. Unreal cover channeling the inner Pam Grier! Exclusive comic is limited to 500 copies. 9.6+ Shios July 31st, 2019 |
Livewire #1 Bulletproof Exclusive variantLivewire #1 Bulletproof exclusive variant is written by superstar writer Vita Ayala and Superstar Artist Khary Randoph! Exclusive comic is limited to 500 copies. Livewire #1 Signed 2X w/COALivewire #1 Bulletproof exclusive variant is signed by both the Superstar writer Vita Ayala and Superstar artist Khary Randolph! It was signed at a in-store signing event @ Bulletproof on Dec.19th ,2018 It will arrive with a certificate of authenticity. Exclusive comic is limited to 500 copies. |
Livewire #1 Bulletproof CGC 9.8 SS
Livewire #1 Bulletproof exclusive variant is Signed by Superstar Vita Ayala and Superstar artist Khary Randolph on Dec.19th 2018. CGC SS 9.8
Bloodshot Rising Spirit #1 Bulletproof exclusiveBloodshot rising Spirit #1 is limited to 500 copies world wide. Bulletproof cover art by fan fav, Diego Benard and interior art by the legendary Ken Lashley. Look for the movie starring Vin Diesel in 2019! Ships NM 9.6+ ships11/14/18 |
Bloodshot Rising Spirit #1 Glass coverBloodshot rising Spirit #1 Glass cover is extremely limited to 1:250 copies world wide. Is it unbreakable? or perhaps Bulletproof? Ships 11/14/18 "SOLD OUT" |
SIGNED Stabbity Bunny #7 CGC SS 9.8This Stabbity Bunny #7 Bulletproof exclusive cover will be signed by Creator Richard Rivera and witnessed by CGC . It will be a CGC SS 9.8 . Will be sent out by us on Sept. 23rd.2018 Expect shipment in Early November. Only 40 available online. SIGNED Stabbity Bunny #7 CGC SS 9.8 RemarkedThis Stabbity Bunny #7 Bulletproof exclusive cover will be signed and remarked by Creator Richard Rivera and witnessed by CGC . It will be a CGC SS 9.8 Remarked . Will be sent out by us on Sept. 23rd.2018 Expect shipment in Early November. Only 10 available online. |
Stabbity Bunny #7 CGC 9.8This Stabbity Bunny #7 Bulletproof exclusive cover will be graded by CGC 9.8. Only 50 copies will be available online. It will ship in early November. |
SIGNED Stabbity Bunny #7 W/COAThis Stabbity Bunny #7 Bulletproof exclusive cover will be signed by Creator/ artist Richard Rivera during a Bulletproof comic signing on September 22nd. 2018 Only 25 signed raw copies will be available on line. |
Raw Stabbity Bunny #7 Bulletproof ExclusiveThis Stabbity Bunny #7 Bulletproof exclusive cover will be on hand during a Bulletproof comic signing on September 22nd. 2018 Will begin shipping on 8/23/18 Only 25 raw copies will be available on line. Will ship bagged and boarded.9.4+ |
Valiant Exclusives

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